Electronic Structure
Electronic Minimization:
Perform a simple electronic minimization:
electronicmin $structure $modification_1 $modification_2 ...
$structure refers to the base structure while $modification_n (optional) refers to additional moddifications to be added to the base structure (like addvacancy, addsubstitution, addadsorbate, etc. (see crystals, surfaces)).
Density of States:
Calculate the density of states (DOS):
densityofstates $structure $modification_1 $modification_2 ...
$structure refers to the base structure while $modification_n (optional) refers to additional moddifications to be added to the base structure (like addvacancy, addsubstitution, addadsorbate, etc. (see crystals, surfaces)).
Besides the ones found in Tags / Variables, the following INCAR tags will also be added to the INCAR file. You can modify these as any other variable:
- LORBIT - Default = 11 (*)
- NEDOS - Default = 1001 (*)
- EMAX - Default =
- EMIN - Default =
(*) Notice how these defaults do not allways reflect the defaults as they are found in the VASP wiki.
A gnuplot input file will also be prepared automatically: gnup_$structure_$GGA
Band Structure:
Coming soon ...