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Tags / Variables

The function setdefaults will set all tags associated with the construction of POSCAR, KPOINTS, and INCAR files as well as all 23vaspAS function-specific tags to their default values. It will also set PRINTOUTPUT=true, UPDATEVARIABLES=true and RMFILES=false.

Similarly, the functions setstructuraldefaults, setkpointsdefaults, and setincardefaults will set all tags associated with the construction of POSCAR, KPOINTS, and INCAR files to their default values respectively.

Only three variables have no default and must allways be set explicitly:

Only two variables are associated with the construction of KPOINTS files:

Instead of constructing KPOINTS files, kpoint densities can also be specified in INCAR files - to do so you must set the following (INCAR) tag:

23vaspAS will only add this tag to INCAR files if it is set to a numerical value - and if thats the case, KPOINTS files will not be constructed.

The defaults for structural variables are as follows (see crystals, surfaces, and molecules for their descriptions):

Every INCAR file constructed by 23vaspAS will include the following tags:

(*) Notice how these defaults do not allways reflect the defaults as they are found in the VASP wiki.

Other INCAR tags will be added when running certain functions. Check the descriptions of functions for more info.

One last input-related variable: If needed, it can be used to specify additional input files that should be considered in every calculation. Just specify the files location and the file in question will be coppied (can also be multiple files).

Besides the input-realted variables listed above, there are also output-related variables that are mainly used to store calculated results:

Function-specific tags:
